
One of the beauty of the Kubernetes is its extensiblity. Just like Kubernetes provide the Resources/Objects like Deployment, StatefulSet, Pod, Service etc to run the application workloads, it allows defining Custome Resources to define the custom tailer workloads. e.g. Pipelines, Task resources to create CI/CD pipeline workloads. That’s extensibility.

In order to work with resources Kubernetes community provides a awesome client-go library. It provides the collection of methods()/APIS() for the Golang to perform certain operations on resources such as create, get/list, update and so on. So one can use the Kubernetes HTTP APIS to orchestrate certain workflow for automating repetitive mundane things.

One of the challenge sometimes I feel using cleint-go is lack of API usage documentation or examples

Hence I to overcome this challenge I’ve started documenting examples of frequently used API’ and their options.


One can find all examples at